realistically theres no way town wins this lel

guys what if we no exe what then

What’s up?
As a boy, Carl Fredricksen wanted to explore South America and find the forbidden Paradise Falls. About 64 years later he gets to begin his journey along with Boy Scout Russell by lifting his house with thousands of balloons. On their journey, they make many new friends including a talking dog, and figure out that someone has evil plans. Carl soon realises that this evildoer is his childhood idol.

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They told me that everything that has “guess x” and is public counts. Essentially Atlas’ and Amelia’s guesses would count here.


Atlas’ and Amelia’s whispers

They haven’t whispered each other but they might have whispered proxies, fair enough.

Give me a grand whisper logs of all their whispers


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Anyways this is the most important day as we have to lynch THE DEMON and then the next day we kill Ameyliah

Alright, i dunno then

It doesnt feel right to me either

What if we kill amelia today

What if it IS that


I think we have 1 in 3 chance to win no matter what

A confused tutu :blush:

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VOTE: Litten’s Election

I still wonder what May got last election

May didn’t get anything.

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I wish u good luck im baked. I dont know what else to do.

Magnus, who do you think is the town among Atlas/Brakuren/SirDerpsAlot

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