If we lose i blame Someones role for it

if it is as you say, you shall be able to do so with ease

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I think chop amelia to give us more time to decide between atlas and marshal

my argument is that “I would have done this and not this” isn’t any sort of proof


STs didnt let us chop amelia yesterday

A bit overkill if 3 evils were alive

why would i defy all logic and do something completely unbelievable and unfathomable as evil, when i could simply win?

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Why wouldn’t I, as evil, pretend to fake slip information that made me town? Doesn’t this prove that I can’t be evil, because I would have done that if I was evil?

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according to what you just said, that is completely a false argument, yes?


yeah. It is. it’s arguing from a nothingness basis.


Catfight catfight

then can you explain why, if i had a button that said “win game”, i would not press it

you have to prove that you would have known without a shadow of a doubt that the play you made was the correct one. Which I don’t think you can.

remember RWBY when “why wouldn’t I kill arctic, the doctor, if I knew he was doctor”

I convinced everyone I knew he was the doctor even when I didn’t actually, and then argued “why would I leave the PR alive when I could have simply killed him” and then won f3

you were there lol

it’s genuinely the exact same argument i used to clear myself

marshal, your answer

my answer is that that’s way over-hyping your own situation lol. you’re acting like you had hammer in f3 lylo.


you did not have a “win game” button. you did something that is super in-line with how an evil would behave.

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what do you think i am?