this game isnt untracable
tutuu couldve also misreg’d as townsfolk on a night where they fang gu jumped to kii, it just isnt likely

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The first primary counterargument is that Bionic and Someone were both seen in a Noble ping on the second night due to Otter’s Mayor ability, who was greenchecked as a Townsfolk by Kiiruma today. This would indicate that one of them was either converted or was good, or else had the ability to misregister (which is totally viable).

Secondly, w!Amelia outing as a second Minion to shield your and Atlas’ respective slots is a plausible scenario from an uninformed lens, but that isn’t so much a “counterpoint” so much as a “but maybe!”.

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VOTE: Amelia

I’m gonna start the wagon off with me

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i was rushing to write it up because i didnt before
if i was evil, why would i guess it at eod where silviu would see it when i’d knew from experience they didnt see it before then

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I just dont think noble ping can really be evidence if we don’t know the minyin abilitey

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or Someone’s. Could be my theory of registers-as-whoever-they-hammer.

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and ‘vizier who registers as the person they hammer’ seems Super in line with this game’s design


My only explanation is you thought you can endgame right there. That you killed Silviu and Brakuren messed up his kill. Or double stacked killing Silviu with you due to miscommunication

why would i kill silviu instead of their clear, when i could pin everything on silviu instead
the main evidence from my prospective for silviu being good was my word and my word alone

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Evidently evil did decide to kill silviu over marluna regardless of who they are

As for u, ud do that coz its the less likely kill, in your suggestion

Ud want to not double stack with Brak, hoping hed kill Marluna

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…why didnt i try to talk to them

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I dunno

if i did as you claimed and guessed last second knowing silviu’s ability i couldve also said “im killing marluna, i gained a demon ability”

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or i couldve guessed earlier and then outted that last second

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Right but to be safe just in case brak messes up

The moment u guess silviu would start screeching

silviu was asleep

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i know the time they sleep

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“why would i “X” instead of “Y”” is some kind of fallacy i just dont know the name for it

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feel free to counter my arguments

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