We still don’t know for sure

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I also wanted to leak my role to Leafia but I said that maybe I shouldn’t as I didn’t know yet. It seems to have no particular bearing on the game.

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Can you believe Leafia is in this game?

Red circle Arrow circle red text NOT CLICKBAIT

writes title in all caps

I claim Gossip and gossip that magnus is demon.
I claim Slayer and shoot SDA
I claim Amnesiac and guess Brakuren

They guessed Brauken actually d2, huh


I wonder what they’re about to present me in this 19 videos course

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they have consulted the story tellers each day, hm

If they didn’t do any of this, I am pretty sure that the answer would’ve been clearer

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I read through the iso and I’ve come to no conclusions I’m so good at mafia

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I’m sorrey Atlassie!!!

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I’m so good at mafia

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Like a Fisherman would? Hmm…

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i dont think i need to explain why a fisherman doesnt consult the sts each day

But in Lizards…

you stated it as a given, rather then as a possibility

also do i really need to say youve done it yourself on days 3 and 4

We know that Kiiruma betray ally makes one die
We don’t know what betray betray does though

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in prisoners dilemma originally betray betray is. the worst thing

You mean after I gained the ability to disable an ability and after I gained my consequence that I’d caused drunkedness

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