somebody who gains things upon visiting the sts

that sounds an awful lot like the fisherman, kii.

Atlas, you’re trying to turn this around on me but my ability’s relatively proven compared to yours.
And you and me both agree we’ve gained something after being elected.

who said i was trying to do that?

It’s well established about Bionic’s claim being rocky.
I’m the first person to have claimed outsider and I’m the one who’s had the least worlds in which I’m evil.

I’ve already been public about what betray betray and betray ally does in terms of the base ability. It just can cause consequences in addition to it. It’s possible these consequences when it comes to others are set in stone (E.G. The death upon 1 betray, 1 ally) or it’s possible that there’s a pool and I was used to kill Litten last night so as to reduce confirmation but in return I was given a useful piece of information, the Marionette.

youre trying to prove youre good rather then prove that im fisherman
you’re accusing me for the same thing you did, though

emetophobia warning

'm leaving for a bit
i feel like vomjting and that isnt the good thing to be staring down for


I can’t prove if you’re fisherman or damsel or what.
However, you’ve tried to be sneaky for the potential damsel things in comparison to Amelia.

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Yeah, look after yourself.

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theres reasonable room to doubt that, and larger reasons why i didnt

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I agree

it appears im gonna die

not for lack of trying ive inherited a losing position

I’m really sorry Marissashal

i really dont get why we arent killing the two people who damsel guessed

i mean its okay. im not that sad if I die tbh. its what always happens if i dont sub in so its whatev

there is genuinely not 1 person voting anyone but me

beyondf amelia obv

i kinda hope game ends today so i can laugh at y’all for exeing the 1 person who didnt claim dansel

i dont get why im obviously starting demon or whatwver but we have 2 people who just, like, are demons. unless specifically its me/atlas/ameli