VOTE: Amelia
VOTE: Litten’s Election

amelia + brak demons
amelia + atlas demons
atlas + brak demons

33% success 66% bad luck unless a new discovery was found

killing the backup demon is good luck

if they are the backup demon

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I don’t like the logic of Safety here. I want to find the actual world. But it’s extremely difficult when Brakuren and Marissa both are completely illegible to me, for different reasons

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If we reach F3 and we kill the remaining demon we’re still gucci

Good night

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I hate school, I do nothing all day at school and I still have anxiety over it.

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brak said they choose bone collector for their demon and leafia ability is called museum rigjt

Don’t explain being seen as the mario

If Brakuren was made to misregister as Marionette while Good, it had to be by a living misregistration Minion or Demon

Amelia and Atlas are the only real candidates?

And one must be Damsel…

i dont understand how you started this, but to finish it, its logical to conclude brak/amelia/atlas w/w/w. atlas/amelia damsel and the misregistering thing. amelia probably the misregistering thing

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i misread

while good part

maybe the most logical thing is atlas is literally damsel

i lied about not opening thread

demon (new or becometh) could be responsible for misreg

also kiiruma is an outsider