“marionette” could just be code for “brak is fucking throwing”

litten its gonna be hard to swing it but not impossible. and it has to happen for town to win. the hardest path is often the one of most resistance

It couldn’t have been Kiiruma for the price of reciiving healthy and sober and true info?

Kiiruma ability does not state an off time for when they become unsober and unhealthy

Kiiruma is informed of the “somtehing bad” that happens, no?

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It’s very unclear

It’s hard to ignore being seen as the Mario

by the harmful-to-town outsider?

well yeah
outsiders aren’t free reign to do whatever

i honestly think its just a roundabout indication that brak was an anti town townie

i dont get how you can think Kiiruma is an outsider but Someone is a townsfolk

Not how it works nya

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amelia wants to die
atlas wants to live
marissa wants to live

lets be assholes and give them the opposite of what they want

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after BOTF XXVI: LIZARDS im not so sure


there’s not been a single moment in this game where having faith in the story tellers was not rewarded
I had faith in my ability and I got useful info early on tho I treated it badly
I had faith in Kiiruma puzzle master stick and we were rewarded

i think the chance of this just being a false misregister is slim, they could have just shown oracle twice, not that I would blame them if marshal isn’t Mario but I think overall story tellers are trying to self contain things and if there is three evils alive it makes sense to show mario

so you’re killing me right?

except if you are someone and then the story tellers say get fucked

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i honestly think kii is evil atp ngl lol. which makws me lean amelia more cuz its not the most ultra losing thing ever


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let’s be real it was an unfun game play loop