society if people didnt believe every “confirmable outsider” was an actual outsider

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Order of operations IDK if I go before kills

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being confirmable is NOT an outsider folks

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game was very solveable with Someone just not claiming evil imho. as in i think exact evil team with exact subalignments

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If I had a confession out of it I was gonna be golden

@ STs @ Bionic @ everyone

(im not pointing fingers, ggs all around! just curious, for the sake of satisfying curiosity of what was the answer to the riddle :P)

(like does anyone understand now what happened about this?)

bionic being outed minion was the focal point of my solve (and everyone else’s solve)




Fuck no it isnt

It, uh, kinda was

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I saw Bionic as evil, and Bionic practically claimed evil

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Night 1 – May – V of Swords
May had a plan to deceive the evil team as well as everyone else, but it was doomed to failure by the Damsel ability. This one was mostly figured out by town.

Night 2 – Tutuu – Magician, Reversed
Tutuu and Atlas were going to delve into deception with letting the town believe Atlas was dead. Though Litten and May believed the Magician in this card was Tutuu, I was actually referring to Atlas, who I wanted to warn Tutuu that they could get easily pocketed by them.

Night 3 – Litten – Chariot, Reversed
In this case, I saw that Litten had some decent suspicions like on pushing Amelia, but predicted that he would dig himself in too deep and turn thread into a warzone of him versus Magnus, the other highposter at the time. I intended for this card to be a nudge to work together, but in retrospect maybe Temperance would’ve been better.

Night 4 – Derps – VIII of Swords
Kiiruma poisoned Litten this night and i have him an ominous looking card, which town proceeded to Barnum Effect the hell out of.


and randomly lied

I knew kiiruma/otterpopd as 2 evils. atlas as damsel. amelia as evil. only holdup there was you/bionic being ‘conf evil’

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It wasn’t a given that we would have solved it, but your ability being blatantly fake made it very, very difficult to get anything done

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VT is a townsfolk with no ability

the outsider saint had an ability. it was just detremental to town.
i dont know the reasoning of calling it VT


i think it was like. i designed bionics role and hazard answered the question was part of it

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i mean poison was always a possibility. kii being poisoner idt is superrrr tough to figure out

Also: Otter didn’t really do much for a fakeclaim or anything but I’m so so thankful that I was able to work with her, to get her to kill whoever I wanted every night and I took charge instead there.

When yall were like “We can just get Otter to claim” I had to make a full fakeclaim, then @ Otter knowing Otter would want to chat with me and then we could edit a couple of small bits and it’d look more believable that way. Truly was a pleasure to wolf with her.


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