I think you’re just falling face first into a bucket of wifom and he’s just dead

I know who would kill magnus.

It was you!!!1


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Magnus being demon who suicided would make sense why it’s not a 2 now (just assuming the answer wasn’t 1 because that’d just be an L)

It’s quite simple
Just build a world where they are lying, and one whether they are telling the truth

In the world they are lying, they are evil

In the world they are telling the truth, they are evil

:thinking: man I wonder

I meant build an evil team.

Still at Best Buy btw

1 is like “Good is really close to the solve” / “Good has been going in the right direction and evils are backed into a corner”.

2 is “Evil’s a bit stuck but they have some outs” / “The game has just started”

3 is “This game could go either way.”

4 is “Evil’s doing really well, good’s going to need to do some big things to claw it back”

5 is “Uh oh good’s in dire trouble.”

have you found the best buy


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I think it’s the other way around

Yeah it’s the other way around

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IDK what your thing is lol. Can be the other way around

@marluna what did you learn last night

Whisper me :smiley:

As far as I’m concerned, Silviu/Otter/Kiiruma/Marluna aren’t demon candidates, which leaves Me/Brakuren/Derp/Amelia correct?

@atlas I’m understanding this correctly right?

1 means wolves are winning, 5 means town

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