Oh yeah snd @Kiiruma questiom
Does your ability only affect urself?

Cuz you are making it sound like it does

Primarily myself can affect others.

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unless in really specific scenarios, mhm
like if someone jumped
sorry i got really upset suddenly so i’ll be back later


Me and Atlas were brainstorming whether your ability can affect others
And we realized that, technically, Brakuren could be telling the truth
But that world doesn’t really make sense to me

Anyway, I think there are some worlds where Brakuren is telling the truth, but all of those worlds seem rather dumb to me, I have to go stretch myself to figure out possible worlds when the simplest answer is that they are just lying. Magnus couldn’t really present themselves a world where I’m not evil yesterday that doesn’t sound dumb, and Brakuren is further stating that I’m just evil, so I’m inclined to think they are both liars.

VOTE: Amelia

You guys are welcome to kill Derp if you want. I’m not going to be voting there. If people do execute them, then either I’m proven right or I’m proven wrong, and if I’m proven right then I think we just kill Amelia who is probably the demon in that world.

@kiiruma here’s an easier thing to do
just kill derp today and if the game doesn’t end kill Amelia the next day

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Oh yeah and I told atlas some things @may go talk to them to see what I told them

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When you are done of course

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You realise that if we do this then we’d only be able to kill 1 of you/Brakuren and then you’d need to convince us why it’s not you.

Oh I made it easier

Amelia claimed to make evils harpy mad
Derp was mad d1
If Amelia is telling the truth derp can’t be the demon

I also think that this isn’t really a problem, I don’t think they are the demon.

I guess they could be demon if magnus chose marionniete as demon

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And there was a SW built into that

This kinda explains why their ability stopped when magnus died

I do encourage people to build worlds where I’m evil though with Derp, it’s wrong but the fact that it’s wrong will be proven because I am not evil and no world will work, I don’t think there is a world that actually works that doesn’t sound dumb with me in it but I’m open to being proven wrong

I think im pretty clearly not demon

I could see thinking im minion but like

in no world am I the demon if im evil here

You can’t be the demon if Amelia is good