I also cant be the demon if Amelia is the demon

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This is true!

I’m going to drive home now

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How long is your commute?

We could kill Amelia > kill Litten

SDA? Brakuren?

Why not those two first?

Btw is Kiiruma considered lock town?

@ everyone

We have 4 viable demon candidates (Silviu, Otter are possible but much less likely)

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I was the first outsider claim.
Bionic claim is weird, Magnus has been a point of contention to a lot of town.
I’m probably the most trusted outsider claim and I’ve proven myself to at least have the ability I’ve claimed.

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Im not a demon cantidate

Yes you are.

Can i whisper with you?

/Whisper Kiiruma

youre crazy if you actually believe I could be demon after everything iv done


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@tutuu whisper break

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We got what we needed to out of that

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Kiiruma, my plan works.


It does,