with mutants in general - lets say the mutant last game, serpent and swordsman. why not hard claim mutant d1 and break madness and get executed? you confirm yourself as town, you dont cause chaos, confirm one of the outsider slots. is there a punishment for that in botc?

Some people do that! The ST can always choose not to execute you, but it’s a common enough strategy


alright, i can’t speak for all games, but for last game it seemed like the optimal strategy. although maybe STs can punish that by executing you in bad days. thats one way to punish that. dont execute immediately to not confirm, and then execute when town isn’t prepared for it / can’t afford it. but nah, it was open script, maybe u’d still get confirmed town. probably worth to do. would it have been the optimal way to play mutant there? i think so?

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Generally it usually results in the ST keeping you alive to make you look suspicious or force you to backpedal or risk being executed when you really don’t want to be


even with the added theoretical balances, the negative consequences were too vague and imho had foo much of a game impact to actually be believable. because game was basically running through 1 outsider, which shouldn’t be how that works?

despite that everyone bought it, so it was a good fakeclaim clearly. A well designed fakeclaim is made to trick the players in the game, not the people who arent playing the game.


or maybe like

be quiet and soft mutant > hard claim mutant > hard claim everything else and cause chaos

maybe in this order would have been the best. still worth a shot to soft mutant without punishment

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completely incomprehensible


Generally i find as mutant its best to just take a non-offensive bluff and go from there

Last time I was mutant here i was also harpy mad so oops i didnt follow this but yes


cause then the st wouldnt execute you. Mutants dont have to be executed when they are not mad. its a might


Last time I was the Mutant (Literally today) I was bluffing as Savant.
The evil twin did some things which were very unusual and that a good twin wouldn’t do…
Yet good nommed the damn good twin D1, full sent on them and so… yeah :upside_down_face:

Twin Seamstresses. Claimed that they’d used the seamstress check on their neighbours (Instead of their twin) immediately (When you know you wouldn’t die early) and then also didn’t know night order at all. When I questioned why they did it they literally said “Would I have known I was a twin first?” and I was like ‘I shouldn’t need to tell you this if you were good…’

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The (obvious) evil twin was neighbouring me so I gave the savant statements of:
You have 1 non-townsfolk neighbour or Exactly 1 OPG ability was not used last night.

Hhhm I’m trying to figure out how I could’ve gotten the solve perfect. I socially knew, like, Atlas was evil, Amelia was evil, SDA was Good, etc etc et al. But because I thought Bionic and Someone had to be evil, I had too many evils on my plate all the time and so never stepped back and considered Kiiruma or Pandora - it wasn’t a case of genuinely thinking they were definitely good, I didn’t mark them as “confirmed” on my spreadsheet, but of just… PoEing them as Good, basically. Pandora evil necessitated Kiiruma evil, and I didn’t have room for that with Someone, Atlas, Amelia, and Bionic. I could reluctantly deal with subbing one out, but not two.

I think I could’ve interrogated Bionic’s alleged mod confirmation as fakeclaiming more, but I also think it was just a case of host inconsistency that I really couldn’t have planned for. I think the judgement calls I made there were reasonable. I also think that it was not my responsibility to anticipate Someone getting in so deep to the evil fakeclaim that he wouldn’t even claim Good to me in private. I did anticipate it, even! I publicly asked Someone whether they’d been lying about being evil! It just wasn’t something I could… take seriously, because it didn’t make sense.

There was also social evidence pointing toward the fact that our theories didn’t work, like, w!Atlas would’ve never framed demon!Brakuren with their info, which I picked up on but just could not resolve within the frameworks I had. I knew all my theories were wrong at present, I said as much publicly, but I couldn’t ever fix that without knowing Bionic and Someone were Good.

I even considered worlds where that was the case… but “had a role implied by the mods to be impossible, and with unintuitive connection to flavor” and “literally claimed evil” were always going to seem like bigger leaps of logic to take as Good than just “weird unnecessary bussing”.

I dunno. I want to have takeaways for what I could have fixed. I just can’t find them.


i’ve never been mutant but i’ve been mad ceremad as mutant. i just implicitly argued that it had to be fang gu world by arguing against the consensus demon ideas (7p)

this would probably get a real mutant killed but so would literally anything under the umbrella of being ceremad as mutant. you’ve gotta take creative liberties

Well you need to ask your storyteller how they rule madness since it does vary.
Does the ST want you to claim what you’re mad as?
Or would they rather you act as if you’re the character that you’re mad as?

A Mutant for example would usually not imply they’re a Mutant.
I know I wouldn’t. I don’t break madness ever.

oh believe me i spent several minutes trying to figure out what would pass for being mad as mutant

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You don’t need to figure it out if you just ask your storyteller smh

by figuring out i mean asking. for several minutes

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i had a plan where if i ever got on the block i would exasperatedly claim mutant and let them figure it out from there. but the cowards never put me on the block

I’ve been a pixie who’s seen the Magician before. It’s absolutely useless to become, but I still stuck to the madness since it’s my hard and fast rule. I did however defend the player who I was confirming when they came out. I only came out once I was dead and so the madness was gone