i have to wonder what the evil team thought when they heard someone NOT in their minion/demon list loudly claiming magician

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I claimed it to the magician, the marionette and a few goodies lol

I thought after everything the idea that bionic was good was unbelievable so I intentionally didnt claim good since then it might be possible for both of us to be good, and i didnt want good team to go in the wrong direction. I mean not only did bionic claim ab impossible role, he was directly red checked by me, lied about my role, and disappeared instead of defending himself, so i was 200% certain i was taking a gamble that would pay off. Once again, man managed to confirm himself as evil while being good its impressive

Then simply claim good with gravedigger information incriminating Bionic, as you received.

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If I did that, it looks like im evil and backtracking, and I hate backing down without reason

Your role was also impossible about six different ways.

I never told you my “real” claim. My public one intentionally had a ton of misdirection to scare evils

All players know you. If a player is voted (not by you), you may choose to execute them immediately, gain their ability, and become their alignment (even if dead).

At the very least, if I was evil I wasn’t getting close to sharing my alignment with that public claim since I didn’t understand the purpose behind it.

That private claim implies you can execute while dead.

No it doesnt, I asked the ST’s, this implies that I use the abilities when im dead, not that I can hammer them

I workshoped it with them to be sure

“Even if dead” generally refers to the sentence it follows, in its entirety, but not anything afterwards.

Dude I literally asked the ST’s and got told this

Reminder btw @Hazardwaste


that was clearly snow

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Oh no that was me

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I don’t remember why i said it

Cuz of the 500 questions about my fakeclaim by Magnus

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With the increasingly more fucked situations