@may am I under the correct assumption that Brak claimed that was a reaction test?

because if it
then uh
@tutuu you already know sfuff

brak is probably the liar based off the mech info

Brak will probably become undone when both me and deep are killed and the game is ongoing

I still don’t get why we killing the person with the ongoing ability who was constant with their claim, instead of the one who is changing their claim and their relevance like always to avoid hanging.


VOTE: Brak

FMPOV Bionic is hard CC’ing Magnus and Magnus insists they are good, and I think someone open wolfed there to kill Bionic, and they are in a noble ping together. I think Magnus just claimed outsider because they wanted to and I think Magnus only died because it would cause a lot of confusion on who the demon is. Brak has changed their claim multiple times and if I’m understanding it correctly they lied about their current claim and at this point there’s some mechanical evidence that supports that Brak was simply lying there to push agenda if they are backing off it which some people do know I think. I’ve looked at the playerlist multiple times and I can’t really find a good team that includes both Someone and Derp, and Magnus can’t find a good teammate for me to be wolf either with those three people, since everyone I could be wolf with would sound dumb.

I also think the hosts put their hands on the scale heavily towards evil last night, by making it so that it’s harder to push certain worlds without getting pushback (Kiiruma), and I think that’s because a wolf died and wolves are in trouble. It explains why we cannot kill Amelia today, and so I think this likely means Derp isn’t the demon either, but I’m happy to be proven wrong. I think Magnus/Amelia/Brakuren/Someone makes the most sense out of everyone in the game for the reasons I’ve listed and because I cannot build a better team and neither can anyone else I think.

Are you still alive I forget

The only possible world right now that I can consider for Derp to be evil is Derp/Bionic/Marluna/Amelia or Derp/Someone/Marluna/Amelia but in the later, why did someone choose to kill Marluna there. I think in this world Amelia doesn’t make sense as the demon, but Derp does.

I might switch Someone with Bionic.
But it’s a worldview I can imagine as well.

VOTE: Brak

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I was rez’d

Someone and Bionic and Kiiruma were in a noble ping according to otter fwiw

Yeah that’s what I thought couldn’t remember tho

If you remove Someone and add Bionic that’s still align with the noble ping.

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It might make more sense to kill Derp because of this, since the other world only has two evils in it.

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Otter is 100% confirmed mayor and probably not demon based off giving helpful things yeah?


I think theirs only two evils alive (should’ve started with 4 right?)

Who would we have killed that was evil?

Like from your perspecrife magnus was probably evil yeah

I’m choosing to believe Magnus is evil and I still think someone was telling the truth and bionic was starting evil

Even if bionic wasn’t starting evil tho someone would’ve been so that’s 1 for sure starting minion

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Also none of these above claimed to resurrect me.

It could have been a town shab who resurrected you.