4 leople whisper cost 2 whisper resources

I dont have anything to talk about anyway

See? You caught up pretty quickly.


thats why you have to hide the fact you want to hide them and be 3 steps ahead

I am sorry if I came off to anyone the wrong way earlier, I normally do not really care about what people are hiding even though I’m curious, it was in that instance thought that I determined me knowing would have been crucial to me solving the game. It’s true I don’t know what people are hiding since I don’t know what I don’t know, but I’ll like to think that I know enough to at least push things in the right direction like I’ve currently been.

may, can i ask you a question, then?

@Kiiruma Could you remind me what exactly happens if one player betrays in your prisoners’ dilemma?


I thought we concluded the ability didnt confirm them both as town yesterday

They could both be wolves, I believe the pair exists after rereading, hence my marionniete speech. It does not confirm them yes

No one wants to whisper me because you all clearly hate me smh

are you going to reveal the person you suspect today

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if you think Magnus and I are wolves after d2 im sorry but you are a wolf
VOTE: Litten

I don’t know

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Noble ping feels important

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I’ve already explained why I think you guys are wolves, you are free to try to kill me though, it’s not going to change the fact that the game will contiune and I will keep pushing you both.


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I still want to believe you aren’t or didn’t realize at first that you’re a minion

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i fucking spilt tea everywhere cause i was reaching over to get advil

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Your explanation on how we are “wolves” litterally ignores everything towny we have done and ignores multiple mech

The noble pings would have been useful to know BEFORE the vizier council