I don’t fucking know.

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Oh, SDA.
Since I saw you talking about it yesterday; drunk and poisoning can’t cause any mechanical effects on the game. It doesn’t just warp the ability to do whatever.

The reason I’m adamant that one of you is evil is due to my Fearmonger targets and SDA’s ability. I was effectively assigned executioner targets, which I’m willing to wager wouldn’t include the Demon. It’s the first Lizards game on FoL, it’s Hazard and Snowe, yada yada. I don’t think Otter’s the Demon because their ability has been exclusively useful, even if they had noble pings on day 2 they didn’t share until day 4, but whatever.

But in any case, SDA’s information either points to specifically demon!Litten (which isn’t actually as impossible as I originally surmised, admittedly; killing his “confirmed” targets and then me is a bizarre whiplash, but it’s not as though he *wouldn’t push agenda as evil), or SDA is lying. But then both of you townread each other for most of the game. Ergo why I recognise the validity of the push onto SDA today, but @Kiiruma I don’t think it’ll end the game. I’d love to be wrong.

If Someone kills their flagbearers then Brak could die tonight which is hilarious.


Also you’re just wrong here in the sense that i almost always answer questions like this truthfully as either alignment

I don’t tend to lie about what I would do as a wolf

@Brakuren you really should talk to me

Someone will just ask if you’re evil. That’s what happened with me last night, hence why we left the chat with them advocating I was good.

Magnus is only saying the game won’t end today so they can go kill me and then go well might as well kill Derp next since that didn’t end the game.

What about Amelia?

Also you forget my info isn’t guaranteed to have a demon I also asked if it included minions who could become the demon

It would be better than killing Derps / Brak / Amelia which loses the game FMPOV.

Brak isn’t even a Demon candidate in the world where we’re on the evil side because of the Artist information. Picking a starpass Demon is just so obviously something I would not do.

Effectively, you are going to do the same thing if killing me and derp doesn’t end the game, are you not? Or are you going to argue that Otter is the demon instead?

I think having a starpass demon ability in a lizard game built in makes sense considering it would be bad if the game ended early.

Name a person other than me who could’ve starpassed. I townread all the dead people except for Someone and Bionic (now).

I briefly stated why I don’t see Demon!Amelia in the wall just above.

You totally would pick something as evil with the intent to argue you would ever pick that btw (It’s also something I would definitely do if I put more thought into my picks)

SDA - Viable
Brakuren - Viable
Otterpopd - Technically can be but has given useful abilities 2x now to players that aren’t herself.
Kiiruma - Probably the most agreed upon good outsider out of the 3 claims lol
Litten - Viable
Silviu - Technically can be but is less likely and honestly I think I’d be dead af if Silviu ain’t on my team.
Amelia - Viable
Marluna - “Lul the resurrected player is clearly the demon” No

There’s 1 more person, won’t name em jic evils don’t know too but technically a viable SW candidate since I’ve not actually cleared them.

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No idea

No, I wouldn’t do that. A public dealmaker ability with no perceived downsides and no relation to who’s alive or dead isn’t a Demon ability.

So, let’s be clear, you think the demon is between me, Amelia, and derp? Is that correct?

A starpass Demon doesn’t actually work for Lizards because that would forcibly change the Minion’s character, right?
It would only work for a Lil’ Monsta-esque Demon where they keep their previous character.

I feel theirs a lot of different ways the hosts could handle this without having to directly take away someone’s abilities

Nope. I’ve seen starpass demons.

Demon Pixie who made a player change from an Outsider into a Demon


@kiiruma like I said in our whisper, I think the demon is in four people, I don’t think it’s the fifth one even though it’s a valid world, and I don’t see in any issue in planning around your determirwmnts