BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Mind if we whisper then

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They just feels jokey


/whisper atlas

Magnus typically sounds like a comedian, when they’re not taking the game hyper-seriously, as they do oft as wolf.

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/whisper Litten

I’m going to end up using all my whispers in 30 minutes, aren’t I.

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Can you make it outside rn

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oh hey look at that. they gave me funniest user 2023 in the syndicate

Did you bribe or blackmail the mods?

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I would only nominate you for please stop getting in a “who can like the most” competition with Eliza


Beating eliza at that is folly


Tutuu, would you feel like sharing our claims (coordinating our bluffs) in neighbour whispers? Since we’re bound to be on the same team again and all.

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i would like to once im a bit more confident in my townreads. sorry im getting second thoughts. im really scared of claiming. in general. id hate to ruin town’s plans or give evil info. maybe day 2 after a few people die

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Oh my fucking god

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Uh-huh. Just so we’re clear, I wouldn’t begrudge a false claim so long as it gave some direction either way.

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i think claiming in any of these following circumstances makes sense to me:

  1. theres a few deaths and we’ve entered middle game
  2. im being suspected
  3. i have plans
  4. im confident in townreading the person im claiming to

sorry, i feel bad for rejecting your offer to swap claims. @Atlas 's too. Im just somewhat competitive, it might socially be more fun to claim, but im afraid of the risks :P


It’s all good, don’t worry. You wouldn’t be expected to claim early in a rolemadness so you shouldn’t be here.


These people will peer pressure you into doing something that’s not optimal for you. Because they’re monsters.

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@Magnus I already told you what I did and I don’t wanna use any more words explaining the exact details. What I said is the only relevant thing for now

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I will share publicly that I am an Outsider and I have means to greencheck somebody. Yes, this is ironic.