BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Any role can be evil Litten, just like any role can be good. Heading out now too so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

Not my role, it doesn’t provide ev to wolves

I think someone chose vortox and that’s why the ultimate names are wrong, wait

Why are we protecting our backup plan

Brak Leafia Atlas May Derp so far

I’m Ultimate Florist

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I’m unconvinced at this moment in time. A High Priestess-adjacent role isn’t confirmed by seeing someone important on the first night, not in this setup. Not when it’s May of all people, not when the details of your role seem unrefined and unclear from where I’m standing. But we’ll see.

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Good litten doing homework

Good litten doing homework

Good litten sent results to brak and atlas

Brak does my role seem refined

Mine could fit quite well, but it’s a versatile name that could apply to just about anyone.


my ultimate and abilities fit quite well


Seems like you lack complete information about my role.



No u

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As anyone could intuit readily by my seating placement.

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there’s no chance you know how my role operates in under 15 words it’s whisper proof

/Consult Storytellers. :bookmark:

Your role seems like bastard ngl

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