I’m the confirmed ojtsider
Benguined chomps im sure both will live till l3 and wont be night killed
Who confirmed you
The fabled that states 1 outsider must be in play
But imagine drunk
hosts have stated in the past they don’t like untracable poiosn
untracablenoutsiders is the same thing
The game is meant to be solvable which is why I’m discounting any poisoned benguined worlds
Anyway as your defense attonefy I must recommend a different course of action to accusing the outsider
Wasnt kiiruma claiming an outsider btw
they retracted sfyer I tried to murder them for it d1 (they were cc’ing my outsider spot)
When did they retract
We kill chomps benguined then doubletap kiiruma just to be sure its not an zombuul
I honestly think if you are good it could be Aleph demon and Benguined minion, Benguined acted twice due to barista which means we should have saw two demon kills if they were the demon but we didn’t
Chomps and benguined both contradict my ability its 1f2
Also, some additional information, we know that whoever has the role of bringing travelers into the game is likely ecil, as Jarek information was to not trust the travelers and Aleph is unclaimed, so
Whos the travelers