BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

Wanna talk about it Mistyx?
I’d love for you to be my 3rd whisper.

/accept icet

aight, ending. good night everyone

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Any whisps?

Around to chat

the urge to use all my four whispers like this

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i don’t think I’m using them anyways my role doesn’t have anything to do running around whispering

/whisper @Chomps (1/4)

/accept (2/4)

/break whisper

/whisper @Chomps (3/4)

/accept (4/4)


Im tunnelling chomps why didnt they wjisper me

This would only count as two even if it counted.


i hate you my friend :blush:

/whisper @Hippopablompoyeetus (1/4)

/whisper chomps
