BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

can’t i wanna do hippo

oh i’d love to if you’re still around

not in the habit of checking this forum all that often need to get back into it

c’est la vie though or whatever

i gotta go for dinner ill be back after though

ok im back i see nothing important has happened

I think kii is sleeping fyi

i figured

I’m pretty sure I broke it already but yeah

I’m around at the moment if you are, I know timezones can be funky though

Me? Sleeping? Darling you know I have problems (I just went on a walk and got back… it was a 2.5hr walk x3)

Kii. Are you good?

hi yeah im here

/whisper @Kiiruma

…am bein’ very short tempered atm.
Gonna distract myself for a while.

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/Accept 3/4

Hm. No answer.
I guess Kii’s evil then.
Welp. Problem’s solved.

I am not evil, I was in a whisper and if I responded to it at that point, I’d probably have instantly broken the whisper haha. I do hope I have a choirboy

I mean let’s just add clarification there: Am I evil? Not yet.
Would I take a mez word if it’s given to me? Oh fuck yes I would.

its true i actually just gave him one

I mean, what?
No no, ignore what she’s saying. She was just learning about what I’m researching with my royal duties in here.

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