Before the role change
Or Chomps is just good and being framed.
I know I’m not the demon, it doesn’t make sense due to Hazard’s info since Hazard’s info points at Atlas and Atlas was pushing on me.
Chomps can be the Demon, sure. I can’t rule that out. However, Chomps would fake a yes on the recluse, right?
You still didnt answer my question btw what day did ya tell hippo about the innkeeper
Because Icet is pushing me and I know I’m good so I’m being biased into trusting Chomps over Ice since it’s the more viable world where my team (good) wins.
so your world is atlas the evil traveller decided to kill hippo the baron to do ??? something apparently and im the poisoner who told the player softing chambermaid i didnt wake n1 and poisoned chomps n2 despite littlelee softing chambermaid to me
why are you even pushing me in that world whos your demon
i dont know where i pushed u im just suggesting worlds
Chomps as Drunk with you poison locking the presumed Chambermaid.
do you want to add on amelia demon and the game didnt end bc littlelee was poisoned
What about me as Drunk with Demon!Hazard or Demon!Wazza and I failed to exorcise em, hm?
No, Amelia can just be good. Amelia’s been trying to help solve.
Im gonna build evil chomp worlds cause kiiruma doesnt want to and i am curious why
I’ve explained why.
It’s because Ice is pairing Me/Chomps and I know I’m good
Yeah but someone calling you evil shouldnt be enough cause to rule out all worlds
I never tracked Atlas’ whispers.
ur making this up i havent said that once
thats kinda important considering atlas is evil trav
Well you do it then if it’s so important smh.
You’re the one who’s trying to build worlds where I’m just evil.
Atlas never talked to me and pushed on me in fact.
d1 was canping zone hippo me 3 of them are dead rn