erm i assume you arent just trying to build worlds where im just evil then?
Ah, you mean…
Outsider with no signs of PD ability being added.
Person who’s going to tunnel on me and Hazard (Which honestly, I’m coming around to the Hazard world now)
Person who died to the evil Harlot.
And claim hopsalot.
I’m trying to build all worlds, but you’re making it hard to trust you with your claim changing so much
im pretty sure all abilities are silent
theyre dead
theyre also dead
not demon behavior
whos the demon
yeah i also think that if i was evil i would have bluffs
why did i come back to this line.
Kiiruma your day 1 shit. can you walk me through the whole process. why did ya claim king as exorcist? and why did zone tell me you were a choir boy?
im fighting a POINTLESS argument actually if kii is evil they arent listening
Poisoner - Relatively silent - But like… 2 poisoners and a no dashii. Really?
Baron - Seems to already be in play in some worlds.
Mez - Who got the word?
SW - If minions would gain the SW ability, do you think they’d be having questionable claims if they might become the demon?
Boffin - Boffin… what?
what signs are you expecting from a pd death
- Kelsier - Recluse claim
- LittleLee - Klutz Claim picks Amelia
- Canping - PD claim
Sayno- Amelia - ??? - Hippopablompoyeetus - Slayer claim Died to Harlot
IcetFeelsPain - Innkeeper
Town crier - Chomps - Town Crier (No both nights)
- Kiiruma - Exorcist
- Wazza - General (Neutral Neutral Good)
- Hazardwaste - Cannibal (Clockwise from zone, 1 from Kelsier)
- Zone_Q11 - Shugenja clockwise
- Mistyx - King (Gets info tomorrow
- Atlas - Was Harlot
Why did I claim King as Exorcist:
If there is no King in play, I convince evils that I am just the Drunk King. This means that evils will leave me alone and using world building will paint me as the Drunk which I can reveal to be contradictory when evils try to do this. This also then disincentivizes evil from claiming King, reducing claim space.
As Exorcist, it’s not the strongest character on this script and so if I die for my shenanigans it’s not the biggest loss. However, it’s a move which makes more sense as town than as evil
Why did Zone tell you I am choirboy:
I don’t fucking know, I never whispered to Zone nor claimed Choirboy. I claimed it in my 3s and 2s but never in a hardclaim. Zone just presumed something, something incorrect.
God looking at this and realising all the drunkening and poisoning i dont think i can mech solve this neatly
My actual picks are you and Wazza. Which I don’t think can be sober at this point.
So instead my fake picks are Chomps and Misty >:(
hippo has them
i was gonna berate you for it cause choirboy kiiruma should never claim fucking king
but if there isnt a drunk king (more likely then not) you put yourself in a worse position?
can i know for… game solving
ask them!!!
Actually since you don’t know Amelia, then why don’t we execute Amelia and see what you claim to receive then, hm? We can test your Cannibal claim since at this point I don’t know if you’ve shown anything definitive.