Mistyx was suspecting me so I was trying to bait them into voting me by self presing onto hazard and zone was using a dead vote so I thought maybe they would unvote?
I fell asleep before eod
Town played super well
Mistyx was suspecting me so I was trying to bait them into voting me by self presing onto hazard and zone was using a dead vote so I thought maybe they would unvote?
I fell asleep before eod
Town played super well
U were lowkey so sus that last day it almost worked haha. When u came in with that wild imp passing theory as ur main thinking i was like oh shit icet deffo evil lmao.
I was trying to paint Ice as evil
Also i really beleived for half a day chomps was turning me evil they were so convincing in their mez word. Thats why i never trusted chomps
they did but the voting rules here means one of us would die. and i dont think i could live final 3 in that scenario when you die that day. so my one bet was to hope you wake up and vote with me on someone else.
we cant tie votes sadly
FTR, Kii was pseudo-confirmed evil when even I -the guy who sucks at social reading- can notice that he isn’t contacting everyone (me in particular) to share info.
My role being made obvious by myself is not a reason to never contact me. I trusted Atlas because of this; he is interested in whispering after I was dead.
Me tunneling Hazard was simply a fortuitous happenstance because I was (correctly) paranoid of a world where he is No Dashii and poisoned me. Oh, and uh… The lack of self-nomination at D3 only made it worse. (You had such a good spirit of “I’m willing to sacrifice myself if it means I can get cleared,” but then did nothing about it. Pure lip-service is what it was.)
Kii arguing about not executing Hazard when we have 2 chances also doesn’t make sense. At F3 it makes sense; it would be dangerous (game-ending even), but at F5? And the excuse was “don’t kill good guys”? That’s one of the weakest reasonings I have heard so far; y’all executed me D1 and now you don’t wanna mis-kill? Balderdash!
Dead bad guy suspect is covering up for living bad guy suspect. That’s suspicious. Don’t trust that.
You voted on the final minute.
A 50-50 tie would have given you more odds of “not losing” than a guaranteed execution.
Like, nothing would change for me; I’d still tunnel you out of paranoia and lack of interest in everything else after Atlas left –but if Icet had died in your stead, then he’d have double votes.
You could’ve live.
Yet you… didn’t choose to save yourself.
I’m as confused as benguinedparbecue.
double votes?
Ah. …man, my reading skill issue has grown for the worse in the past couple of months. (Maybe years.)
Still. Chance 50% chance to live.
Dunno why you wouldn’t go for that.
anyway in final 3 i was dying as i said. the only other living current demon candidate was iceT. so i was taking the risk either Kelsier/Kiiruma/IceT was up with me to try and at least tie vote someone else.
in a normal botc game i would have voted iceT and tied the vote with neither of us dying. but in FoL botc someone has to die x-x
All evils needed to win was have someone not insanely town in wazzas seat. It was super hard for them go build a convincing world where the demon just complained about general in 70% of their posts lmao.
I have thoughts on the script but will hold them until after I’m not preparing to drive to uni
blame jams
Why… are there two lists of neutralized players?