My life is a No Dashii/Poisoner/Drunk script
there was a world i was gonna kill iceT in the night instead of amelia.
but sadly i needed to keep IceT alive now due to kiiruma building demons worlds as him being demon. so i needed to keep that demon world alive. its why i kept King alive in the hope people would get suspicous with why they were living so long. sadly i didnt know the Choir Boy was confirming them as sober king.
Wazza General i kept alive purely because she wasnt as active as everyone else which could be useful late game when alive people needed to nominate.
Chomps had a fringe world where they were demon but everyone just kinda harded trusted them so. at that point i kinda had to bet my luck on iceT dying final day
cause i wasnt actually killing people according to flavour lol
i was waking people up from this nightmare.
people who stayed in the nightmare died
which again @Hippopablompoyeetus for this being your first BoTC game you popped the fuck off
Bro I saw this and just died irl treeing the innkeeper is so bad
Mistyx conf King by Hippo.
Chomps CC’ed Icet.
Wazza claimed General.
Hm… Yeah, no. You’re right. Mistyx is best kill-choice, and I’d always vote you over Chomps and Wazza. You and Kii would’ve had to work your asses off to somehow convince me out of my paranoia and vote Wazza over you.
sorry i only just recognised that.
Good game. I still slightly regret joining a game of ambiguity (because there were too many possible worlds to think of), but the flavor was fun, and I had a fun time playing with everyone.
yeah it was one of those situations i decided i would rather risk it then try to push my own luck in final 3.
yeah this script wasnt really mechanical. all info roles were either poisoned or faked lol
Sometimes I wanna try hosting BotF with a… homebrew(?) setup where mech are for the most part non-ambiguous.
But then I remember there are too many characters to take account of, and I immediately gave up before I even start thinking of the roles.
I don’t think BotF is for me in general. I don’t like subjectivity, because “it is different for everyone”.
there is alot of scripts and characters that arent subjective
but i have my own personal issues with general. for the exact same reason you probably do
And then I’d have to balance them… right?
I was kinda just in a rough position early on.
D1 my whispers… had to be what they were.
I talked to Wazza (As I would normally do)
Then my Demon
Then Mistyx (As requested by my Demon)
Then Kelsier to sort out who the turn was
D2 I whispered with Icet to inform Ice of the team because if Kelsier had talked to Ice again it would’ve been more obvious.
I could’ve talked to you D2 or whatnot but you were already building me as evil If you’d asked me to chat instead of just saying how evil I was, I would’ve but I was already trying to recover and all I get hit with is “You’re evil” no matter how I tried which felt really lame. I stayed up until EoD every single day I was alive despite the fact it required me to be up for ungodly hours, all because I wanted to do the best I could this game.
Also I would’ve loved to execute Hazard but I wasn’t given the grace of having the SW’s ability, if I had then despite Hazard’s ability, I would’ve been on a crusade since I knew I wasn’t really a Demon candidate whereas Hazard was.
mmmmmmmhm. or you can do lizards which is basically just bastard clocktower and watch people struggle