BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

please read the above if you desire any evidence about chomps’… unwillingness to cooperate with the good team.

i just dropped water all ove me 1sec

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make sure you change your clothes
don’t get a fever

I mean, what can I say at this point?
You’re saying stuff which is illogical regarding me and I’ve addressed it myself, yet your rebuttals are lacking.

Also I’m one of the people attempting to solve and be active :upside_down_face:

you can say nothing, as i can say nothing. i’ve made myself very clear about what i believe makes you suspicious during day one, and attempting to repeat that conversation won’t get us anywhere until others pick up a keen interest in your fate

this is not a defense of any sort.

You literally made 3 points near EoD all of which I was able to rebut pretty easily

who is it then

nevertheless, if you would like to prove me wrong. my ability is always open to you.

I said I’m attempting to solve and be active.
Not “I have the solve and nobody is listening”

K but like who do u think we shld go for idk

If you require to check me in order to realise your points are illogical then it seems you’re not willing to use to social aspect of this social deduction game. So that’s up to you but I’m trying to get you to use socials and explain flaws so you can see the truth.

Hip. We literally had a whisper bestie.
You know my answer.

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Oh yeah true i forgor :skull:

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kiiruma, we can continue our intense will-they won’t-they game later, yes? this isn’t getting us anywhere.

Is that before or after you get me executed? I’m trying to get somewhere with you.
We have someone who died in the night, might be useful to learn what they were and why they think they might have died.

i think the more mechanically “in” people would have a better idea than I, but i’d be up for killing kelsier/mistyx/littlelee/chomps/kiiruma, just as a wide range.

Kelsier is for sure evil but we can always let them cook

i don’t expect I will get you executed, but i am pretty stuck on the idea, whether it is true or false, that you are evil. thus, given half of this is a mechanical game, i am going to patiently wait for either my team to prove otherwise, or come around to my eyes