or, you could do something i believe is towny. and badgering at me to townread you isn’t that.
I’m trying to have it so ‘your team’ can prove otherwise by being involved in TC info when there were only 2 other noms at the time
I’m trying to do other things too, but when it’s just you and me here mostly what are we meant to do?
i will await to see that, kiiruma. but like i said, we’re getting nowhere, and we do think a poisoner is in-play.
…fair enough.
i do have enough info to go off of for now, but i’m waiting for a few things to occur before i make any sort of move.
is who you think is evil a private only concern, or would you feel free to share it openly as have I?
Why do we think a poisoner is in play when there’s no real reason to believe that at this time?
There’s no Investigator.
It’d probably need to be Chamermaid information and even that can mistake evils.
Yeah im kinda waiting. Is it dumb to no exe? Chance we dont even have a cannibal and this game feels like it could be a sneaky po game.
Po mez boffin final guess
i’m afraid it is, given my ability and innkeeper and exorcist
Is it dumb to no exe? Yes. We don’t win this game by no-exeing
‘Chance we don’t even have a Cannibal’
Well, since we’re 12 players, on average outsider modification doesn’t exist (It can if it’s Baron but chances are it’s not) so we should have 7 townsfolk. 13 townsfolk are on the script. So we should have 7/13 townsfolk in play, a higher than 50% chance :3
kiiruma, who would you prefer to die today. i’m not as “in the loop” on you as hippo is, and if they are to potentially go over this needs sharing anyway.
I think kiirumas like 40% evil but i dont think theyre demon
i also do not believe they are demon. minion, yes.
and given the demon colloquially known as “Imp”, we can’t let minions sit around.
I provided a reads list yesterday, the least you can do is read it…
I’d be looking at LittleLee / Sayno mostly.
There could be an evil in Mist / Kelsier potentially but I dunno which it’d be and even then I don’t really think either one of them is particularly Demon
these things change, kiiruma.
Also Hip said 40% evil which is 60% good
Do they change that much when not much of note has happened since?
Not on my part at least.
kiiruma vote traveller with me please