Chair of Deception 2 - Game Thread - GAME OVER - UNSHACKLED AND TRICKSTER WIN

Evils does have the ability. It’s also possible you mentioned it.

Not exactly sure what you’re even asking her tbh.

There’s a good chance I was investigated by someone that saw me as a villager actually.

I just think dropping it that quickly is strange as well. Just as well quickly you dropped the conflict with Magnus over an unconfirmed assassin attempt.

I’d just like to hear more about ur thought process because I don’t understand it right now.

However I think investigatives have no reason to out themselves even as roleblocked, evils can use that information as next course of action.

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Personally I wouldn’t have investigated you. It looked like TvT to me

Fair enough. Sadly, not everyone sees it that way.

Heading back out. Likely will get something to eat. :sleepingleafeon:



Try to convince the world if necessary

And yet nobody has really claimed to have done so as of yet.

we cant rely on everyone being on top of their game and outright claiming it. I don’t even know if it would be wise to

I don’t know but it would clear up some confusion.

As otherwise we might be looking for a scum roleblocker and as a result pursuing an incorrect world.

Are we certain there’s even a killing role? I should read the dang rolecards shouldn’t I?

Playing into devil’s advocate— Is it possible Zorvo bit a baddie? They RB as well and they’re not revealing their target, cus again, that would be against their win-con.

Both evil factions have ways to kill.
Idk if other characters can do so too or not.

There’s also ways to empower attacks to go through immunity or make sure negative actions (E.G. Murder or conversion) is successful dependent on what we have in play.

But can they onnly do one or the other? Or do multiple actions at once?

Its possible Zorvo bit Magnus.

And Magnus is evil but claimed RBd because they assumed a towny would come forth and admit they had done so. Therefore being able to rolefish somewhat.

How do u feel about the vote on Yamikarp?

I think it’s fair enough, their defense hasn’t been that good either.

But I wouldn’t mind hearing them out once more.