Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

this is the preferred outcome: kiiruma is a wolf. i must kill him to win.

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I can only add 1 person to my hood if they are a member of an informed minority.
If someone in my hood is alive in there I cannot use the ability.
Cassandra is in my hood and does not count towards this limit, she votes with me usually.
I can also passively write a rolecard for anyone in my hood.

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elaborate, mister kii

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this is very very confusing so you’re a neutral that can only pick to hood with evils


Yeah so if I succeed, I out them and write whatever card I want and yall will see it lol

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he is claiming neutral who is named an anciet spirit who has a empire win con


Yeah, like, I know it sounds weird but I wouldn’t fake this shit lol.

Basically, yeah,.

I’m claiming Miller. Could it work on me?

okay so can you try and hood with someone and fail

can you admit how bad that sounds right my man?


someone vig kiiruma, holy christ

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why did you claim it now?
why should we believe you arent an ancient spirit with an ancient spirit wincon with an ability to fake modpost cards

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If so does that mean you can confirm someone as good

Are you a death miller?
Because if you are a miller upon death you won’t be atm

kiiruma is also an above average fake claimer as a wolf for its worth, just saying

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I basically have the recluse modifier.

I can try then if you want.
Just know it goes badly if it succeeds.