Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

Mate, why do I come out with this if it isn’t true?

So again just to get this straight you can pick someone per night, and if they’re evil they get hooded with you and if they’re not it just fails and you want to kill the evils

Like I’d be claiming Empire and just going along with it


How does this make any sense

I could confirm your role and you could write up a different rolecard for me, right? Is there an implied terrible downside that outweighs this?

How does that make sense to be a neutral that needs to kill ancients

you’re lying about something

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Literally just kill me if yall want.
I’m telling you now I’m on your side and it’ll be clear when I flip

Not really honestly?
But I can only have 1 person in my hood at a time so I’ll want you to die tomorrow, so I can try and seek the spirits myself.

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This honestly just sounds like an executioner play as in you’re just gonna claim to hood someone and then they’re obviously going to deny it because even if it were real they’d not want to confirm you’re telling the truth and then it’s just a 1f1

this is a roller coaster of mechanics that I dont want to get into
dude is probably just a lost wolf lets be honest here

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Yeah well sadly for them, once they flip it’ll be clear they’re not good

Yeah no if I was lost wolf I wouldn’t be doing this

Or you could write me your rolecard and we just continue a chain until evils kill one of us, in which case it continues anyway?

ok but again how are you neutral at this point

You are describing me an untrusted neutral in the sense that they are “”"“neutral”"" except not really because they have to side with Town from the get-go

That’s not neutral

You’re obviously lying about your win condition in one way or another

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Mate my card literally says I’m an ancient spirit.
Something town has to kill to win.
And I need to kill everyone town needs to kill too.

I’m basically neutral / mafia traitor. IDK what you want from me

im having a hard time following whatever the hell is happening with your claim, too the point it would’ve been better if u said literally nothing

you are ancient spirit, with an empire win con, who can only neighborize ancient spirits, and if u find one u can literally just out them

thats basically a finite cop check on anyone u target without any restrictions, that is absolutely insane
honestly I almost kinda hate magnus’ claim cause I find that to be comeplete bullshit as a claim

but hey its bastard, haha make cop checks dont know if they are real or not
so fun
are we having fun yet?

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I’m not lying even 1 single percent.