Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)


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Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™m supposed to answer this question.

See, now this is why Iā€™m friendly to our friends Cassandra and L.una
I directly work with Cassandra and Luna is probably fine too

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how many people think vulgard is town, i want to add that too my notes

I believe this aspect of the claim.

I do.

well ur my wolf read

I know.

Anyways, letā€™s just act like I didnā€™t just publicly claim cop + flip changer + ancient spirit wolf traitor.
And instead focus on killing other ancient spirits?

Cool? Cool.

The last time I was in a chat with Kiiruma, it went so very well.

Kiiruma is still my top town.



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scared to claim and die, probably

Holy fuck, I didnā€™t realise I had so many posts now.
I feel like I was kinda rusty before since I didnā€™t know how I was supposed to play this.
But now I feel like Iā€™ve messed up but also at the same time, Iā€™m kinda just happy to be a player.
This is fun and cool. I fucking love that I do what I do.

we donā€™t need to think about it too hard I think
since Magnus is probably gonna die soon anyway

Itā€™s fine! If Magnus does register as evil then Magnus gets a funni flip when wolves decide to take them out

I feel like I half want to choose Hazard. But Iā€™d feel really damn bad.

that was a roller coaster not gonna lie

still marking this as hazard was right on kiiruma due to them technically not being empire

I donā€™t. think theyā€™ll be nightkilled I think weā€™re gonna end up executing them relatively soon
cuz despite not having a single vote atm it feels like a lot of people distrust them
so regardless of alignment I think theyā€™re gonna die and flip soon

Bitch Iā€™m as close to empire as you can get.
I literally have your wincondition with the word ā€œotherā€ added.

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