Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

my homie i was not active
or here during the last game

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Uhh some bits. I’m gonna just not say too much because rn I’ve said so much about my abilities without saying everything about my abilities (such as the names of them) that I’m just sweating bullets

idfk dude
im still tired

Do you wish to live tonight?

im confused
but uh
nvm i think i stop myself here


hope this helped! <3

@Scorbunny thats fine, im not particular sure i have anything to ask you, illl just read and see what I can find
im just particularly stubborn on making sure my day 1 read lists are 80% correct

Yes and preferably all nights until our enemies are smashed

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" Leto Almyra" was the one last game

i don’t think almyra is a celebrity thing

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sounds like youre overshooting

leto is though
jared leto?


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isn’t that the morbius guy

yeah yeah unfortunate but kiiruma knew what i meant

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googles it

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OK this was missing in ac game.

i mean I either do a readlist or not, if i do what in a game like this, its just for post game credit

Assuming AC was a game you two playes together?

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y’all replied like twice the amount of posts within 2 hours than like the entire day wgos fighting now

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Why do you want me dead?