Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

I’ve let you cook for t plus 30 something hours and you’ve continued to… do nothing but be a gremlin.

I believe you are town… in fact I’m like a close to 100% sure of it as I can be without a mech clear.

Pls help town. And stop voting a bot. And stop pushing a bot.

How reliable is your method though? That’s the important question.

@Zenon i eagerly await your answer

I would say let him resolve first.

More than I am willing to clear him for an opening… but not fully no.

@guavagudetama honestly yeah.

I will prove you wrong right now… I’m not afraid to post a selfie bish

Lmao i dont want ur selfie

Dats cause you know I’m da cutest

Reserved for me and sabi, sorry

I woke up without marl screaming for my head? Nya
Sometning is wrong in the force

thats a crazy amount of shade on them for “not a scumread” then
youre trying to convince vulgard of something you admittedly dont believe in

I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything I’m saying that I find it difficult to believe that anyone could clear someone off an opening and insist for the rest of time that player is IC despite dropping into the grand canyon than coming back with pretty meh content and dipping again and than people are like “well town do this” okay cool so do scum.

I want an actual fucking reason to town read Creature and nobody can give me one that isn’t something NAI

pls dear God give me a real reason that isn’t NAI

I’m 5 posts from cap I wake up like at EoD time so I’m probs just gonna save 1 post to make an uninformed wolfy vote at 2:59:59 Central Time onto whichever wagon I think is better at EoD

Okay? Okay.

Thread ded thread ded

Basically goes straight into socials which i think is very unusual of silviu being usually more relaxed day 1

Shares and obvious line

What was this vote for? Do you read them bad at this time? Or were you just following someone elses read

Fair enough i guess

Vote spam felt off

Tries to make a reason for the spam

I dont have a lot of good posts from silviu tbh. Can anyone else read them better then this

Im already over the post count, im not sure what that entails, hopefully its not me being killed mynlast posts will include vote swaps during eod, and a much needed full iso of of vulgard

The thing is both min and vul walked out back when I asked to pick out the posts since the posts at the time were nothing

I feel worse now

Slight towny pings from jaiden for this