Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

Yeah, sorry to kept you waiting

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frost isnt really doing nothing so if thatā€™s the reason then


so actually my vote should be here cuz Iā€™m null on the slot and Italy isnā€™t really in danger anymore
VOTE: Vulgard

itā€™s ok iā€™ve been keeping everyone else waiting bc usually i read the thread and just have nothing to say

wdyt about kiiruma

@Frostwolf103 claim

heā€™s acting how he has in previous town games while literally claiming scum so Iā€™m very confused

Sounds like you are in my position as well.

Switching now might get me executed, and as much I want to help you, I am kind of dependent on Silviu now much as Italy depends on you.

I really believe kiiruma isnā€™t lying. He indeed is going lmao i am neutral chaos letā€™s ball

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i think i understand the role theyr claiming? lol

iā€™ve never seen it in action so itā€™s kinda funky lmao

Do you trust Vulgard? switching to him puts him at 5
youā€™d still be. on the block but youā€™d be closer to off the block

i kinda wanna kill kiiruma for selfish reasons additionally with their claim but like

lol lmao even

i should really iso vul

my instincts are very rarely wrong at eod and my instincts scream at me to kill frost nya

Iā€™m laying on a bench on my college campus

Is that true

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yeah I get it
basically he picks someone and if they ā€œappear as evilā€ he adds them to a neighbourhood
considering heā€™s an ancient spirit the other spirits probably know who he is? like a lost wolf except heā€™s working against them
he also probably has a red herring since this would be kinda busted without it and also Magnus basically claimed he was a red herring

Yes I have a solid track record of not being wrong at eod lmao nya

iā€™ve read your posts frost Iā€™ve just had zero notes at all

Sup what did I miss
And sorry I was busy all day

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