Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

Atlas owns my soul and it scares me nya

Youā€™re not spookycat

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Are there bad consequences for going over 200 posts? Or is it just like a wolf spam vig or something?

mech spec is a sin and all that but considering the vague explanation of the post cap iā€™d say like 99% chance itā€™s a wolf spamvig or something

literally exactly what i was about to say

i feel like those two can be synonymous

I donā€™t really care much about your read itself, I can read him on my own. Iā€™m only really judging your alignment from this and would prefer more the justifications and processes for the read rather than more assurances that itā€™s correct

I guess I donā€™t really care about spam vigs at all, especially when theyā€™re limited to only one use per night. Iā€™d only be concerned if going over 200 posts almost always meant death.

Thereā€™s literally only one way to find out

But I am prob not going to post much D1.


We can find out today.

My guess, given the information weā€™ve been given, is that it will be more complex than that and difficult to predict the exact nature of.

you canā€™t be absolutely correct on it and other input could save you from falling
not taking other peopleā€™s comments into consideration in a team game is not


But meh, if I am dying here I would like to at least have decent wolfreads.

I only have Frostwolf but thatā€™s mostly because Vulgard said they looked awkward and kinda agreed to it. But I am also slightly paranoid Vulgard posting too much might be wolf WIM.

@litten do you actually still think Iā€™m a wolf

Less than I did before when you started to actually play the game, nya. Still in my fuck around phase though.

Copout, bitch move
VOTE: Litten

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Litten could also maybe be wolf, but for very gut reasons comparing to FAM3.