Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

probably escaped notice

I was specifically told sometning bad would happen if I broke it, and sometning very bad would happen if I mentioned why I had it btw

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my assumption was that it was rather lenient, especially given the problems that occured when it was broken

I should write “may” happen btw
Because that’s what it was
The other part was fairly clear on will tho

Was it a permanent effect on you, or were you informed that it was only for d1?

The curse was lifted as soon as the day ended

This game is literally just 6 people and NPC’s playing in it lmao

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Shouldn’t someone have a post restriction today if it was an each day ability, then?

I don’t have one. Someone else may have but I haven’t noticed anything weird besides guava occasionally saying nya (or was it Min)

Oh yeah
Who do you think is evil

Also why did you choose me artrwmid and creature

On the other hand, if it was an x-shot ability, or else an x-effect ability, why would you specifically get that restriction?

VOTE: Magnus
This is bullshit

I picked Creature because he was blatant Town and I wanted to put pressure onto Artemis and yourself because you had both been in the thread, contributing, but neither of you were really townread.

if litten is a wolf I think its with wisdom/marl
but I dont think this ever happens

but u can add that to the Ls if wrong about both them and vulgard


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im sorry
i gotta say it
this is wolfy reasoning whether or not its true

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