Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

Not really. Town was told not to trust me because I lied about the dreamer check yesterday. I’d say that kinda confirms me if anything but whatever.

bastard game doesn’t mean bullshit game
it doesn’t mean you’re playing an anarchic setup where any rule can go flying out the window and the hosts will hang you by your ankles because you trusted them once
it just means it breaks the boundaries of traditional mafia


bastard means im in it :]

The OP outright confirms that elements of the previous chapter (which was a Blood on the Clocktower game) will return here as bastard elements.

this kind of speculation is the kind of shit i did in tolfm and it’s an exclusively wolfsided behavior
it only serves to confuse players and kill proper discussion

i’ve joined every bastard setup i could possibly get my hands on since i first played tolfm i can tell the difference between “bastard mechanic” (see: flip tailoring, traitor mechanics, technically conversion sometimes) and “fuck you” (straight up lying to players and making up mechanics on the spot to torture them)

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This would have been nice to know at the start of the game.

i would have expected it to be common knowledge by now that a good bastard setup is generally just a game of mafia without its chains

the hosts are still just the hosts
if a rule of the setup is outright broken then it would almost always be the work of a player

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You spent d1 whining about being unproductive on d1 and you could’ve cleared this up instead.

are we finished with these pointless circles now


bastard games don’t mean the hosts are going to cheat you

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stop wild mech spec

also that

i’m regressing

i haven’t felt this alive in at least a month


italy activates d2