Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

I dunno… like it kinda just feels towny to me. I feel like if the very bad thing was supposed to happen as a restriction of the ability than if a wolf broke it wolfs would be punished and if town broke it town would be punished.

I mean if I were reaching really hard I would vote this. This reads like being scared to name the wincon incase they got it wrong but I don’t wanna kill off of just that.

The magnus V read seems juxtaposed to what everyone else thinks, so I’m interested to see where that comes from. I personally don’t think Magnus is evil but they’re not exactly the golden standard for a townie right now either.

I could iso marl too. But I’m not going too.


Both of these pushes would be just awful. Why are you pushing townies?

Some obv townies cough Marl/Wisdom

I don’t know about Magnus, but Artemis is the villageriest player in the thread for her push on you, it’s a very towny push

It’s not wolfy though, and she has multiple good points
Your takes are rather insane

The only one I really disagree with is Guava and mayyyybe Millium because I’m not completely sure about my assessment of her play

With Guava I just have no read there whatsoever

You aren’t

I actually laughed

True actually but I don’t think it’s a huge deal because they still could want to vote other people

I never answered; Not sure I’d brand anyone here irredeemably evil, to be honest. There are people I would prefer to die over others but I cannot say with any certainty I’d be correct.

The list in order for me goes from least killable to most killable
L.una/Cassandra assuming they are NPC’s but I have no idea so ???

The middle ground (I have nothing)
Magnus 00

The list of people I felt like killing at some point or another and haven’t updated my read on/still feel like killing
Kiiruma 00

Artemis would be in the kill list but I am putting that on ice and isolating them for now because they are at odds with me; I have a habit of seeing people who push me as evil by default, and it’s to the detriment of town.

00 - If I were to choose to flip one over the other it would be kiiruma who has claimed to be a wolf and not the claimed death miller. But Ideally neither would die. Yet.

“Potentially” death miller. I’d give it 80:20 odds.

Mods should ALWAYS be trusted in any game until there is actual reason to believe they are lying.

Bringing mod info into doubt is just wolfy it causes comfusion for no reason it creates a chaotic game state and keeps discussion away from solving. Pls… can we focus on solving players and not the mods…

Could just be lying you know

I think it can sometimes be worth reading into nightkills if there’s an obvious alternative kill that didn’t happen.

The list below is unordered within tiers

Artemis – villageriest player today
Atlas – was villagery yesterday and still is today
min – also villagery
WindwardAway – also villagery

beancat – villagery roleclaim IMO
Hazardwaste – villagery roleclaim IMO

Sadbi – V from Scorbunny’s mech info? Idk how much I trust that info but putting this here for now

Millium – behavior ?probably? makes her town? I’d like a second opinion on this, again

Kiiruma/Cassandra/L.una – the null zone of mechanics

Litten – I still feel like he should be cleared from the announcement and the fact we did have two kills, even though he’s posting legitimately insane takes (like the Atheist game thing). If a town vig shot one of the nightkills, please claim it right now because it could deconfirm the claim on Litten. The fact I’m entertaining him not being cleared probably means something, but I don’t want to throw by voting out a player that should’ve been mechcleared, so I’m looking for ways to disprove it

Leaving: Italy, Silviu, Scorbunny, Guava, Jarek, Jaiden, Magnus, Zenon, Wisdom

My read on Marl was weak so the slot is essentially back to null
I think Wisdom can become obvious town with time if they’re town fwiw

This PoE is way too broad and I don’t like it

I knew I missed someone.

Wind is a v for me too. so no biggie.

It contrasts Bean’s previous game in energy and you were pocketed hard that game so you should know that.

This is literally the only thing you’ve cased on Litten I think is wolfy tbh

This has been claimed twice today.

VOTE: Scorbunny

Please explain the clear on Sadbi

I think it’s pretty funny myself

Fyi I don’t really understand the Magnus push

If someone could explain briefly why they’re mafia that would be nice

@Magnus Since you’re here, where’s your second Dreamer result?

Artemis is obv town. Like… holy shit…

Oh yeah I would also like to know how Jarek is mechcleared

Vagueposting about people being cleared is something I’m not super inclined to trust because it’s a bastard game

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My modifier would presumably flip with my rolecard because it doesn’t say it would be amended. In any case I wouldn’t lie about this or else I would’ve done it sooner.