Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

Only place I will ever allow myself to get sent too if I go crazy again.

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Itā€™s one of the top medical facilities in the world
Iā€™ve also been there (not to the asylum but for other appointments) and theyā€™re super efficient and also very informative and friendly

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Mayo is one of the best hospital systems in the US. Cutting edge and super good at theoretical and like rare disease treatment

Cleveland Clinic is also really good.

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When I lived in Ohio I went to the Cleveland Clinic a lot for ny sister she has an extremely rare genetic condition. Very good hospital system.

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Yeah they do a lot of research so theyā€™re very invested in actually helping patients


Itā€™s surprising to hear. Very well, thank you for the recommendations!

They are also very much on the cutting edge of mental health like way ahead of the curb.


American company ā€¦ [joke about capitalism]

Oh yeah
Mayo Clinic gets a lot of international patients so theyā€™re used to figuring out medical costs and insurance stuff
Ofc it still costs money but I think they handle it better

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In any case, I am really glad that they helped you and didnā€™t do the opposite.

Good morning.

I think Zenon was towny overnight. I also feel vaguely good about Vulgard, but itā€™s less solid of a read than Iā€™d be comfortable with.

VOTE: Litten

I think this is still my most confident read, but I donā€™t really want to push it actively right now. I think I have some misclears somewhere, so I need to find out where those are. I plan on reading through Guava and Min later, since I donā€™t think I could put words to those reads.

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Oki Iā€™m gonna disappear for a while to do irl stuff
ping me with questions or comments if you want me to reply when I return

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Can you expand on this pls

Why are you so insistent on pushing town?

I fee like vul you are like purposely looking at bun iso in a negative light. Their fight with creature was towny. The way they have been playing feels in meta with their town game

If there is a deepwolf in the game, it is most likely Artemis.

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You seemed comfortable in thread for the first time, and I saw you feeling strongly about reads in a way I think was villagery for you that I hadnā€™t really seen yet this game. I like some of Vulgardā€™s reads but a couple of his posts give me hesitation, mostly with how heā€™s been reacting to Millium.

Iā€™m simply terminally bad at the game. It canā€™t be helped.


Iā€™m here.


Work weh

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Why did you push Zenon for two cycles?

I found her early posts lackluster and thought her reads were lacking substance. Her recent posting makes me think that the reason that the that was true was not because she was a wolf, but because she was a villager struggling to find a place to engage with the game, and she finally has now.