Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

I can’t use any of the items

thats a shame
i don’t think you received it, then

I received items I just can’t use them

i don’t see why a doctor would be impossible for you to use

I don’t think you targeted me

i did, and i equally targeted someone who died last night
im assuming they got what i was giving

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lets look at pokemon for a second
I produced there and you ignored it and then got mad I wasn’t producing any content
While I know you hate it when I say this I sometimes do have trouble reading and so I’m asking questions directly. I am trying to figure out something
I said “who is our here” as an indirect way of saying “why are you lumping yourself in with kiiruma” because I think that’s weird, luna like they and kiiruma are one in the same and that is weird

And then we get to this which makes me ask if you are actually getting mad about me asking questions or if you’re just trying to take pressure off of luna, which would be very interesting indeed

So why do you ignore me when I’m just doing nothing except trying to go into thread, failing and getting distracted repeatedly, which is clearly what youre criticising in the post, but push me off the subject when I’m actually contributing and asking someone questions? Why do you suddenly care so much more than you did then?

how is it weird? when they have the same role card? something that was stated many times, “Luna is in my role card”, “I am in kiiruma’s role card”

I dont effectively chase down people, I notice garbage when its posted, so thats when I call people out. Else id just turn into an echo chamber of constantly telling people to post, which I know wont happen, because responses like this, are exactly what I will get 90% of the time

this makes no sense, because they share a role card, correction, Luna is now in kiiruma’s role card, you literally just say words, and don’t even realize that make no sense

if you think this is some play, it doesnt technically matter who we kill first, since their alignments are linked regardless, so effectively there is no difference between me saying shoot kiiruma over luna or luna over kiiruma, I think Luna is pure, and I overall think they are better than Kiiruma, so if we were to “shoot” one, and be wrong, I would like to have Luna alive, over kiiruma

there is no “hmm interesting” for defending luna here, stop playing bad

Millium. L.una is confirming me. So in the world you shoot either of us, you shoot L.una, as L.una has themselves said “You guys almost killed your cop yesterday”

if you are going to try to by witty again after xwars, then at least make a point that makes sense, or go vote a wolf

ahh, so you are effectively a double voter, cause if one dies, u both die?

L.una doesn’t have any abilities left, I do.
There is no world where you should trust L.una and distrust me (As L.una is confirming me, not vice versa)
And I’ve made it so I partially false flip anyway because that’s one of my abilities xD

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I do not die if Kiiruma dies.


I’m a neighbouriser-cop combo, with a conditional double vote (Cassandra will usually vote with me. Not always) and L.una in my class card.

I will say that mechanically Kiiruma is probably more important to keep alive

is that like not the third neighborizer claim

i swear i like refuse to believe there are 3 town neighborizers in this game.


The neighbouriser is conditional upon hitting a person of an informed minority (That’s why it’s like a cop)

ya u arent helping at all, but I see your point
for what its worth I dont want either of u die, but from a mechanical POV, luna is probably the better shot, given this info

I think resolving in you two is bad, cause I dont really have a reason to hate either of you, especially not luna, which effectively vouches for your alignment

how many times can u use this neighboriser?

Win conditions do not flip upon death, either.