Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

do you not think that that ability would hardly come from a wolf, especially since i was told of it
you failed to access my reasoning, and went off your first assumption, which is that, somehow, both me and zenon were acs, or jarek is an ic revealer, both of which make no sense

atlas what exactly is this mech talk

when i clearly lay out the reasonings, and furthermore request that people listen to what i am saying, as it is important, and it gets ignored


about what though
im not even sure anymore what all the mech is

I am not going to listen to vague unsure mechanical clears in a bastard game. I made that decision early on and am sticking with it. That is how games of this type are lost.

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i feel like alot of peoples emotions are really high at the moment or i am misreading chat heavily.

But just a heads up that this is just a game and sometimes in games mistakes happens, just gotta keep moving forward and remember that this is meant to be for fun, this is not a life or death scenario and this is not gonna destroy your life or give you 10 million dollars if you win or lose.

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My reality bending powers are to be blamed for this

me and zenon were both effected by each of these abilities
i had laid out important reasonings and parts of why and it was promptly ignored and purposely misinterpreted

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this shot and subsequent behavior only ever comes from town and i will shed more than just my own blood upon that hill

for what its worth, at this point I have no clue what 80% of the mech is
im not even going to use my ability anymore, since it literally does nothing but screw town
its so god awful to have

you have an ability?
I’m spending four cycles just to get a chance to figure out what my ability is

remember it can always be worse :slightly_smiling_face:

Why would you expect me to equate “mechtown” with “neighbouriser” when I’d have no indication that Jarek had that ability?

i have an additional hidden ability though if i meet a condition but im not particularly sure how to meet that condition

Yeah, Jarek wasn’t cleared.

mine is collecting tokens

idk if it would help you to know that

i said “i had a mechanical reason for thinking so”
i further specified the mechanical reason was wired down to the ability jarek using being incredibly unlikely for an enemy of the town to have
you ignored that explaination, even though you asked for it, for unforseen reasons

also I agree jarok was no clear, to the point i didnt even know there was any mech at all surrounding them, I only thought they were town because they werent as awkward in xwars + they had a good read list somewhere

but thats w/e now

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Interpreted as “possible false green”.

“Playing in a pro-town way”.

Steward check or something.