Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

Jarek dying did absolutely nothing to help my world view thanks Artemis

She was thinking about shooting you, so.

that would seem more preferable to me

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well it did technically help mine, because im not sure i have to think about them being wolf, even though i kinda want to

they should’ve shot me honestly

how would that remotely be pointless

“his socials line up with the decision”, which was clearly outlined

step in line I asked first

I will say that shooting Jarek (someone not in the immediate POE but isn’t towncore, someone who has vague reasons to be town) is an excusable shot for an evil to take, but yeah.

On an evil?

“But not only does his socials line up with it” is what you said.

Like I don’t actually get why you shoot jarek and not me
Like it’s very clear I’m demotivated and I quote literally stated that it might be good if I died
and then you shoot jarek

the person you have been accusing the entire cycle

No, Atlas. This is the illusion of transparency thing once again.

Obligatory “I could have just shot someone in towncore and not claimed it”.

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maybe litten was right, maybe its all ghosters

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Honestly correct.

someone gave you the gun probably

I very badly wanted to, but every time I mentioned you possibly being a wolf, three people shot me down. My ego is not that massive.


Possibly. Not probably.

yeah the whole “greenchecking an evil player” sounds like its really pointless

the decision being it was outlined his ability did it, which was explained in said post

thus, you should read what other players are saying, so this does not occur, and shades players who are quite clearly telling the truth

what even is this arguement, let it go
Jarok could have easily fixed any suspision by not solely focusing on posts around him, as well as be less tonally aggressive

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Atlas. What exactly were you expecting me to put together when I know nothing?
“Oh yes, Jarek neighbourised Atlas and Zenon and they both believe this is only a pro-town ability.”

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