Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

I’m on that wagon for a reason

Btw not that anyone asked, but the reason I believed magnus on their dreamer claim on D1 is because my flavor text talks about dreamers :sweat_smile:

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0 clue. I mean I have a private hood with Cassandra I can speak in tonight.
See if she’ll give me some insight.

This sounds like I’m fearmongering or whatever but given the numbers it just seems like a bad play for us to NOT kill the outed Ancient Spirits when we’re close to being at parity with them

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does she say anything useful

I believed them because their profile description mentioned a dreamer

I think I even said this before

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I believe their wincon is to have at least one cultist survive to the end.

Empire needs ancient spirits out, ancient spirits also need ancient spirits out, and cultists do not need anyone out but they win by default if alive.

She hasn’t.
But I haven’t exactly said anything about the cult until today.

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I’ve mentioned this a bunch of times today and everyone so far has danced around it and continued to pitch other suggestions without acknowledging this

Which makes me think I’m right, and the cultists are detracting attention from it

That sounds like a hilariously difficult wincon, if I take every outed Ancient Spirit and Magnus as not Cult that means there are ?probably? 4 or 5 cult and they have two factions hunting them, both of which presumably have kp



Only because I don’t have a vig shot (/s)

It would mean empire and ancients need to work together to vote out 3-4 cultists first, and THEN when cult is dead, they agree to kill the ancients

I’m trying to figure out how this works then

So Empire needs all Ancient Spirits out
Ancient Spirits need Cult out
Cult needs… everyone else out?

Maybe… Cult could be NKs essentially.

No, cult is likely a survivor wincon is what I’m saying.
low numbers but has extra kp

oh yeah


it doesn’t help at all that i currently have a mindset that this game is not as linear as it seems

like. kiiruma is an ancient spirit but the thing is, they have actively been working protown. i don’t think they’re lying about their wincon claim. if you were an ancient spirit and like. genuinely evil aligned , why would you claim to be this fucked up version of yourself that actively has people suspicious of you?

to be honestl like yeah. im suspicious as hell towards kiiruma, and i wouldn’t care if they died? and like. especially later in the game i’d just. kill them

i just. feel bad? i think idk. i feel like im jsut being stupid this game lol it doesn’t help that i think im heavily overthinking everything LOL but whatever im honestly still having fun i have more wim than yesterday

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its me the greatest to ever do it
i have spent today with FAMILY eating VEGAN CHINESE BUFFET and now i have SIX HUNDRED posts to read and my allergy meds are the drowsy kind and I keep on nearly falling asleep but I AM HERE


Ok does anyone remember that AI mafia game? The one that Geyde ran and Frostwolf won

Frostwolf was a 3p who needed to survive until D5 and then he turned into a serial killer and autowon. Nobody knew about this except for him.

(and yes I know it was AI generated but I do think it’s a plausible game mechanic)

Yeah I don’t think that would be allowed