Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

and why anti-claim her?
because she was shooting for a wolf

she has a day vigilante which is scary


whoā€™s the third :wowee:

i got really tired all the sudden
iā€™ll do
things laterp
i think im gonna fall out of my chair



i was right


Like I said though Iā€™m willing to sheep you on this itā€™s just really bad if it hits town

We actually might not have numbers tomorrow if we execute town here which is hilarious but also quite possible

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If we go back further, I can argue that Litten knew Magnus was lying about the dreamer thing
I did think it was indicative of TMI and I kinda still do
But I was holding off on that because I thought there was a town role that couldā€™ve had TMI on it
Now that we know the dreamer thing was BS, itā€™s impossible for Litten to have been a dreamer with Magnus
But I feel like thereā€™s one more possibility to rule out before just assuming litten is a cultist

Weā€™re 11/7 as we speak

Donā€™t forget itā€™s in our interest to kill ancient spirits too.
(At least mine - And L.unaā€™s if L.unaā€™s honest about sharing my wincon)

And we have three slots that we can execute knowing they wonā€™t flip Empire

Yeah and she implied she still had uses

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Yeah I think Iā€™d go for you last in this situation

Idk why we canā€™t kill Cassandra first, then Luna, then you? What was the issue with that plan?

Yeah, but my point is, itā€™s not over even if we miss.
You have me / 2 / 3 people who still need to assist in murdering ancient spirits

Iā€™m happy to do this if we have town KP thatā€™ll kill one of the confirmed not-Empire slots

If Litten flips town we probably lose to parity right there

i regret to inform you that I am indeed empire

Cassandra isnā€™t empire though, right? Cause we should absolutely nuke that slot if sheā€™s an ancient spirit. Sheā€™s not talking.

Do you think the cult of sarasvati wincon is to reach parity with Empire or for the ancient spirits in total to reach parity with Empire because I feel like it might be the latter

Thereā€™s no real issue with it other thanā€¦ if we think someone else is lying, Iā€™d personally love to keep my friendo in my hood. Plus itā€™s like a doublevote for me :man_shrugging:

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