Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

why are you zenon

Clearly alts (/s)

I think we’re starting to fight on semantics
Just vote me if you think I’m a wolf this is not helping the game

oh nooo. you figured us out

tenor (2)



you feel like you’re trying to use ATE to gain credit on the current push
that’s my problem

VOTE: Guava
This is legit just the person who post restricted me isn’t it

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No I didn’t want to get credit just whine about not feeling treated fair this game but I’ll drop it

@min you never answered my question

i can assure you i can name a total of 3 people who would post restrict you with the word nya
and one of them is me

who else

i need names


which one sry

guava and min
kii isn’t creative enough

i’d do it to just make you seem nervous

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do you actually think I’m a wolf
ur vote was weird because in a later post you talked about how I could be a wolf iirc

VOTE: guavagudetama

You tried to kill me for days, now the time has come.
Join me @Cassandra

Atlas is pretty much lock v by now btw

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… >:(

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