Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

I would vastly prefer a lot of other yeets but Italy was the first to come to mind

Marlā€™s a high poster, doesnā€™t mean that heā€™s doing things which I think seem good.
I want to see more up to date reads.
I want to see reads other than Litten being worked upon since it seems to me that Litten did actually tell the truth about their post restriction.
I want to see a reaction to the fact that a bad thing was revealed in thread which helps back up Litten.

I just want more.

I have reasons related to my role that makes me want the following people to not die today: Italy, Windward, Min
This information doesnā€™t actually say anything about their alignment but Iā€™d rather them not. die right now

Idk I could maybe be convinced on Frostwolf? I feel like most of the players Iā€™ve interacted with have been towny, though

Italy has an ISO full of nothingburger, I saw suspicion on Millium earlier which is why I started with probing him on the Marl wagon but his posts look ok, and I dropped the Litten scumread.

marl has done this
if he was solely focusing on litten like he did in pci against squirrel it would be extremely scummy
but heā€™s made points towards and discussed several other players, especially recently


VOTE: Kiiruma


so do a bunch of other people though?
like what about Luna and Cassandra and beancat and like Jarek tbh

I know he has done but I donā€™t see why if heā€™s fully caught up and paying attentionā€¦ that his vote would still be on Litten when connecting Littenā€™s restriction breaking and the bad thing happening tonightā€¦ seems pretty simple.

the fact you havenā€™t considered that being a modpost feels like tmi

this implies thatā€™s the end all be all, thats it, heā€™s town, we can go home

I assume Luna and Cassandra are puppets or NPCs and not worth being voted because theyā€™ll die when their owners die, or else they can just be vigged or something instead of wasting a day.

Ngl I forgot beancat was in the game
And I forgot that I had jarek as slightly town off that Litten interaction earlier but now that I donā€™t SR Litten it doesnā€™t really hold weight
So thanks for the reminders

I think Kii is pushing the Marl/Litten contains 1 wolf narrative too hard

Also thought he was trying to pocket Hazard earlier but idk that might just be me misreading stuff


forum mafia players when a player known for having a slow start has a slow start


I know you have slow starts lol
I didnā€™t actually expect you to do more as town
But I did have a reason to vote you, Iā€™m just not stating it
Iā€™ll trust Guava for now

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brother you started d1 writing wallposts to argue against yourself and when it comes to actual gameplay youā€™re saying ā€œwhy notā€? aint no way



Non-player controlled probably.
I mean look at their posts as a whole.
Somewhat nothing, Iā€™m more than willing to try and convince them to vote elsewhere.
But I doubt weā€™re going to get anything substantial except reads and maybe actions.

Weaker slot, Iā€™m unsure what to make of them.

Do I? Lol
I always complain that I find it hard to read you. I mean, yeah, iirc Iā€™ve defended you a couple times when you were town and I pushed you in a game where you were consensus town but actually scum, but idk if thatā€™s much of a track record.

VOTE: italy .
Ruby thank you for reminder about marl

Italy seems yea same as fam



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