Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - The Cult of Sarasvati (and Atlas) is Triumphant

constructive is irrelevant, because the response is just, “well bastard”

i do think it was silly two have both an uninformed minority, and informed majority, flip both as ancients, and adding a janitor role, was a very painful combination to read

“hmmyes because the game is bastard I have every right to just be a dick”

cope tbh

i dont like oracle based roles, where mods hand pick information to give out, especially when one is a lie, and another isnt

its inconsistent and its confusing, especially when u tell us to read the hints

a lot of the flavours and other things are missing in the roles that i can’t get, sorry, among not being able to transfer colours because host accounts have the same editing level
i could compile it but its the same thing as just clicking on the roles you want to see

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atlas I don’t want to ruin ur fun but SOEC chat has all of them apparently


i am not being a dick, but ok i wont bother
I think the game was poorly designed, i never stated that i dont think the hosts can design a good game
nor do i hate any of the players in this game

that was all me

so our hints were from a wolf… lmao
and another wolf had access to dead chat


what happen

I mean I disagree respectfully about the design, especially considering that one of the things you are complaining about was not a host mechanic but a wolf one that you chose to listen to. Game probably could have used one less wolf imho but the whole point of a game like this is filtering through the mechanical noise, you just did so poorly imho.

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ya but how does that work, thinking I killed a wolf in magnus? if i dont rely on mechanics, i dont know he wasnt actually a wolf? so whats your point?

why should i see a flip of ancient spirit, and think its all lie, when my role card says kill ancient spirit

Gg guys! Nearly got that anti claim i dreamed of XD. Thanks for the game

for what its worth, I dont think I am dick, maybe I dont always choose the best words, but I do care about the people and environments i play in and around, frustration is part of life and video games, so sorry if you think i went to far

and to end this, bastard games arent forme, if it wasnt for sabi, I wouldnt have even humored this, and got to the point of being annoyed, so my bad, for trying to have fun

P.S: I did try to push a wolf for 3 day phases, so idk what I did poorly

if you want feedback on what you did to vulgard
you never tried to build a further case on him other then his bad entrance, meaning the wolfteam could just entirely ignore you and town thought you had nothing

I mean I have the benefit of hindsight but I think

Tisiphone is made out of shadows and resides inside a human. All of their attacks deal damage to the victim’s psyche, not thein physical body. When the human is filled with emotions, Tisiphone can take control of their body and control their actions. The human has no memory of the times when this happens.

coupled with

Hearts Beat as OnePassive
If you choose more players at night than your ability allows for, your targets will be selected at random from the players you targetted.


:feather: (Fourth Use and Beyond) — No effect.

Simply existing could tip you off that magnus might not have been wolf or packwolf. Or it couldn’t

Either way, if you don’t want false flips in a game and join a game that says “The lower a rule is, the less trustworthy it should be regarded as” and then says “Players will flip correctly.” as the second lowest rule, imho its a bit of a skill issue

Not gonna press the issue further really, tho imho stuff like P#1038 doesn’t fly with me, you can think mechanics didn’t pan out without the heavy passive-aggressive sarcasm


you had a deadlock on why he was scum
but nobody else saw it and you had to convince them past his entrance, which is half of the game

i mean ya, thats what happens when town doesnt play and there are 6 wolves

im well aware of my inability to push my cases, which is a problem with my a.d.d and intention span, which is why im just going back on hiatus

I also was not in a good place half way through the game, cause I had to get my father arrested again, and im officially moving out for the first time, while being thrown into a manager position while losing half my work force


u point to that flip, but I still dont know what is and isnt a lie