Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - The Cult of Sarasvati (and Atlas) is Triumphant

do take care of yourself
if a disaster happens mid-game and you think you can’t play, nobody worth your time will judge you for subbing out

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i think setup works better with, like, 1 less wolf and maybe a universal packwolf bpv to ensure d2 kp doesn’t take them all out too early, moreso just bc wolf numbers let them have a lot of influence itt. Though maybe I’d be saying the opposite if town won, rolemadness games are inherently swingy


too much wolfsided kp was my main take, and the town roles didn’t really have anything to protect against it

thanks, its all pretty scary right now
but sabi is helping me through it


goodluck with everything, then, and please take care of yourself for you and for them


perchance. tbf, town also had a pretty high amount of KP it was just misplaced. A very high KP game in general

universal factional 1-shot bpvs are always nice
but ya points could be

  1. less wolves
  2. better town rolls
  3. less wolf kp

did we? i know artemis did, and I guess me (lol)

i wonder what I’m going to do now

im counting the non-shot on zenon aswell

atlas did I tell you I submited the charm killing action at 1:58 just in case it was a trap you could stop

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you were also just a piñata

magnus was also by far strongest town role and died too early which swings things pretty heavily. That’s 3 kills on wolves if rng and targetting is good to village


was effectively 3 drone strikes (optional kills that can be called off) and only 1 went through and was “called off” by zenon not being shot

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Yeah all the powerful town died early. And people didnt trust our last strong town

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I will say props to who ever made my character cause fuck i loved the idea

none of those existed in the game
hazard made his up while wolves fed false info to kii

the amount of wolf KP this game was due to rolen interaction oversight i can explain on PC

kinda but we kinda posted emojis randomly
the actions werent for us
if bean died at night she would take control of the acc and be able to action on it


kiiruma was the only false flip this game, though magnus’ was very misleading