Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - The Cult of Sarasvati (and Atlas) is Triumphant

i think town roles had decent strength (for the intended game with 2 less wolf kp)
wolves just got their alignment cop, sanity cop, 2-shot vig and 3-shot drone striker eliminated all by n2
town got unlucky on that front

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I’m getting canceled for this game


for the hosts
which character was your favo(u)rite, flavo(u)r wise and then mechanically

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Not really, but I did commit 17 war crimes

What were those crimes


anyway amongus

Flavour wise, Gabriel (your role)

Mechnically, Tisiphone (Magnus)

Interestwise, Johannes (Millium)


im not particularly sure what was optimal use of my role, outside trying to force my passive

6 wolves was correct tho

it was cool

If I see anyone take issue with that then ???

love trying to create a paradox

and the fact you managed it when it was actually pretty difficult was impressive.

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trying to force your passive was the intended use honestly
so in that manner you “succeeded”

I was busy and couldn’t spec but this looked cool as all hell good job

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And congrats Jaiden ^_^

If I targeted myself to make myself insane would it still have been a paradox

I do this in most mafia games you are not special


Paradoxes are easy to resolve
just mk everyone in the paradox


in fact
just modkill your players so that they’ll never break any of your rules