compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

wanna whisper so you can distrust hazard

honestly I couldn’t have made a noble ping with the 3 most suspicious players in any given BOTC game if I tried

I can also whisper with you if you

Lotsof whispers

Jarek are you evil

No but I’m also not a role that cares much for dying so if you think I am it’s all good, I just need to whisper some people and I’ll be happy

im around for whisps @IcetFeelsPain @Jarek

we can do a triple way whisp to make zone jealous

bring it on :muscle:

I shall wait.

/whisper @Hippopablompoyeetus

can you make? /accept


@Chomps do u have a proper whisper left

i have a proper whisper left

Have you heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”?

I agree. Please do not send them in your neighbourhood chats.

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not for hippopotamuses

I’m not Hippo Kiiruma.

Kiiruma had a wolfy opener but I’m not convinced he’s the demon quite yet.

Getting villagery vibes from this strangely enough.

I think you have this backwards. The nominator is the one nominating and vice versa.

Anyone with info about who the demon could be feel free to whisper me.


I’m the demon

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Cool. Hey Demon, I’m bored.

/whisper Jarek

Going to head out for RL for now. :sleepingleafeon: